Tag Archives: Easter

Easter’s Resurrection Message: You are loved

By Blogger Linda Ross

In reviewing the Easter story recently, I thought, “Oh, this is Easter’s resurrection message: you are loved!”  For me this idea affirms the reason for the joy in Easter morning church services I have attended since childhood.

As an adult, I want to understand better what impels the love that results in an uplifting joy and even at times better health. Pondering the life Jesus lived and taught, including its healing effect, the author of the Biblical book of 1st John concludes, “God is love.” The Interpreter’s Bible Commentary offers a new insight on this passage, “God is reality…”

What a wonderful effect this understanding of God as Love has had throughout the Scriptures as well as in individual lives since it was written.  It parted the Red Sea, saved Daniel from the lions, and raised Lazarus in ancient times. Today it continues to bring guidance and transformation to anyone who seeks it in their lives.

This year when I hear the holiday greeting, “Happy Easter”, I will be reminded to carry a glimpse of the reality of God’s love – you are loved and I am loved – into all aspects of my life and work.